Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 1 – Free Post Blog – Wimba lessons

The first wimba session is helpful at presenting the whole course and all that is required. From the copyright issues, Lit review, AR website, abstract and leadership project, the information is very thorough in explaining the extent of the course work. What I took away from the session is that I need to jump on all the assignments very quick because you don't want to get behind in this month. I really liked the explanation of the difference between a research paper and a lit review. I wish it was explained as clearly the first time I heard about it. It would have save me some time with dealing with confusion. I would have had better focus in creating the synthesis early on.

I also like the focus of the leadership project and how it gets us to prepare our AR projects for presentations. This really prepares us for leadership positions in education. Of course the extra step of applying to present also present the challenge of taking it to the farthest point.

The one confusion I did have was the grading break down of percentages within percentages. I wonder if it would be simpler to just work out the percentages for each item as it pertains to the overall grade instead of the subcategories

1 comment:

  1. Good summary. As far as percentages within percentages, it just a matter of breaking down the whole course to a value of 100 for each activity and then within the activity breaking that down to a similar value of 100. So week 1 activities are worth 8% of the whole course grade and each blog post is worth 15% of the week's grade, wimba is also worth 15% and the two discussion board posts are worth 12.5% each. Weeks two through four are worth 9% of the total course grade and each week is similarly broken down. I went this route because it was easy for those getting 100s to know that they got it all done and accommodated those who from time to time would not turn in a blog post, for example (-15% that week's activity grade). I'm actually working on a course where everything is worth 4% the course grade and it can be very difficult tracking down the five things that are due every week... although this does give me an idea... hmmm.
